Ellen Smirnoff



Robert & Cheryl Patterson, Buyers

"She is totally dedicated, great sense of humor, very organized and knowledgeable, she made us feel comfortable, never got discouraged..."

Blair Taylor, Seller

"Knowing about my financial burdens, she still took me on and was polite and professional throughout.  She never gave up and was on top of her game...for a professional to help me when no one else would says a lot about her character and ability.  I can not thank her enough."

Kenneth W. James, CFA

"Ellen, you have always displayed a high degree of integrity, responsibility, and ambition.  You are a true 'people person' and you care about how things turn out for others...you have the motivation to get the job done right...Your clients will benefit from your perseverance and resourcefulness."

Michael Kirk, Buyer

"Thank you for taking the time with us.  If any of our friends need a realtor, I'll be sure to send them your way."